Thursday, May 26, 2011

Justine's Thoughts: Revelations by Melissa de la Cruz

Revelations (Blue Bloods #3)
By Melissa de la Cruz

Source: Library
Rating: 5/5
A quote:

Tonight the world is yours, as am I.

Any thoughts:

Ah, I understand why this book in the series is called “Revelations”. We finally get some answers! Not all of them, but enough to satisfy my curiosity. And with revelations come total shock and surprise, such as Jack and Schyler, Bliss’s nature and Grandfather Lawrence.

It felt like this was the very beginning of the series, where things happen and things start to get real interesting. Take, for example, the battle between the Blue Bloods and Silver Bloods. It has just begun and Revelations ended with its beginning. It’s about to get dirty in the next novel, I’m sure.

Schyler gets irritating often. She doesn’t know what to do (I admit, I wouldn’t know either), which has its certain consequences. She treats her best friend, Oliver, like crap (though I understand why) even though he doesn’t deserve it. All in all, let’s just say she’s in a huge mess right now.

The writing is once again intelligent and magnificent, and the plot unpredictable and fascinating. I want more of it, and certainly will be reading the next book soon.

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