Sunday, October 25, 2009

Suprise!!! Contest at Princess Bookie

Some of my fave things:

1. Smiles
2. Romantic comedies
3. Bubble baths
4. Sunsets/Sunrises
5. The smell of rain
6. Nachos
7. Staring at the moon
8. Pajamas
9. Chocolate with almonds
10. Witty puns

This is a mini-challenge at Princess Bookie that I decided to do. It's so very fun, so enter here!

1 comment:

  1. Witty puns and romantic comedies=perfect combination!

    thanks for stopping by and congratulating me! it was really nice of you :) And oooh, Georgia Nicolson book! I haven't read the latest book... I'm thinking about rereading the entire series (I can't remember how Georgia even met Dave the Laugh! And I love Dave the Laugh o_o;)


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